Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alexander is Rockin!

My Man, Alexander, Artist, Tire Worm Sewer, and now Stage-makeup Artist Extraordinaire is really rockin' these days!
He and his friend Larry, have been HARD AT WORK creating some pretty stupendous costume/sculptures. More soon. 

Reunion w/ Core Mural Crew!

The Mural Crew. Photo thanks to Libby Cappaldi

This past Wednesday evening, we had a warm reunion with the core members of the Chatham Community Mural Crew, who initated and undertook the Pittsboro Community Mural, across from the General Store Cafe, in Pittsboro.

It was great to reconnect with this group. And Cheif Ringleader Suz Robinson has somethings cooking!
I don't know to what extent I will be able to be involved, but they are great projects. Alot of good ideas came out, and I am sure that some more good things will be coming of this.